Jaipuria Hospital

Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Near Railway Crossing, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur.
Phone: 91-141-551460,552034

About Us :

Rukmani Devi Beni Prasad Jaipuria Hospital is a 'B' class Govt. Hospital which caters to the people of all sections. It provides necessary facilities to the needy to reduce their sufferings.

General Information: 

Location: The hospital is located at easily accessible Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Malviya Nagar (near Railway Crossing).

Medical Staff: Equiped with latest technologies, this institution has a team of 34 qualified & experienced doctors & over 27 nurses. There are 6 technicians also.

There are a total of over 100 beds to cater to the needy & sick.

Contact Numbers:
Office & Enquiry/Reception : 551460
Chief Medical Officer : 552034

The various department :
- Medical Dept.
- Child Care
- E.N.T. Dept.
- Dental Care Dept.
- Skin disease Dept.
- Surgery Dept.
- Family Planning Services
- Orthopaedic Dept.
- Medico Legal Services

Hospital Timings :

Summer 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. 5.30 p.m. - 7 p.m.
(1st April - 30th Sept.)

Winter 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. 5 p.m. - 6.30 p.m.
(1st Oct. - 31st March)

On state holidays 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.

Laboratory facilities :

- Blood, Urine, Stool test etc.
- Biochemistry 
- Pathological 
- In emergency cases, Laboratory facilities are available for 12 hours.

Radio Diagnostic Facilities :

- X-rays
- Sonography

Mother and Child care facilities:

- Vaccination facilities are free of cost.
- Free family planning awareness and birth control facilities like Copper-T, contraceptive pills, Nirodh etc.
- 24 hours emergency services.

Emergency Services:

- Emergency services are available round the clock.
- Various equipments and technologies, free Oxygen are available in the emergency ward.
- Facilities of Senior Doctors are available if required.
- In severe emergency cases, Medical facilities are provided to serious patients before police inquiry.

Indoor Patient Services:

- Rs. 5 /- per patient is charged for patient's ticket.
- There are 2 male and female wards to provide free medical facilities.
- 7 cottage wards are also available.
- T.B. patients are provided essential medicines free of cost.
- Handicap, aged, children and pregnant women are given priority in queues.

Other Facilities:

- 24 hours emergency services.
- Ambulance Services.
- Wheel chairs, Stretcher and trolleys are provided free of cost.
- Medical Store facilities at reasonable cost.

Special Features:

- Separate Wards for male and female.
- Free medical facilities for people living below poverty line, having medicare relief card.
